An Inclusion and Digital Inclusion projects database – this a little dated now but food for thought: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1a2ZMeqOpKR3Bk5FTjgEYGUB3Scx5XPkS
Other Social Innovation and Youth Participatory Action Research examples:
Many posts on this platform feature a range projects that are social innovations, feature an action research approach and/or are participatory community led interventions. If you have more suggestions then please do get in touch via a contribution to this platform?
More on digital inclusion @ the MEDICI project: http://medici-project.eu/
The Medici project is in its early stages of producing an interactive map and resource library for digital inclusion and social innovation good practise examples, also providing an access point and hub for a new Eu wide knowledge community:
“aiming to develop and disseminate widely the existing best practices integrating vulnerable and disadvantaged groups in the Digital society across the 28 EU member states”
image source: www.anonymousartofrevolution.com