The Young Foundation:
Connected, thriving communities are the foundation of our society. They keep us safer, happier and healthier – more resilient and able to face shared challenges.
“Today, The Young Foundation’s mission is to develop better connected and more sustainable communities across the UK. As a UKRI accredited Independent Research Organisation, social investor and community development practitioner, we combine all our skills and expertise, to further that mission.
We amplify the stories and lived experiences of people in our communities; using this as a spur to drive locally-led community action and enterprise. And we use what we learn across different communities to spot national patterns of need and opportunity. Then we work with national partners to support new ideas to tackle those shared, national challenges.
Bringing together our own – and other people’s – work, we are building a shared body of evidence, tools and insight about how communities are taking action on the issues that affect them. We are experts in understanding the changing role of communities in the 21st century.”
Many resources and publications of interest may be found via their publications page.
For example:
Join the conversation – planning social action: https://youngfoundation.org/publications/join-conversation-collection-simple-ideas-planning-social-action-community/
Or the in depth ‘Open Book of Social Innovation’: https://youngfoundation.org/publications/the-open-book-of-social-innovation/
The Amplify Youth Project: https://youngfoundation.org/projects/amplify-youth/