The following extract is from ‘The Substance Use Peer Education Responses Manual’, compiled by Bernie Roe, linked here:
- To help the participants identify the practical skills needed when planning a group presentation
- To explore the different ways of presenting information
- To encourage participants to use their own language in presenting information on drugs
- This exercise can also be used for doing some foundation work on the building of confidence and self-esteem
Materials needed
- Health promotion leaflets
- Drug information booklets
- Newspaper articles
- Other drug related handouts or literature
- Slides and visual aids are also useful
- Split the main group into a couple of small working groups.
- Ask each group to focus on one aspect of drugs or drug use that they have an interest in and that they feel is relevant to their peer group.
- The groups are then given time to research and gather information on their chosen topic.
- They have to prepare a presentation using whatever skills and resources that are available within their working group.
As a group they must
- Choose the most appropriate information
- Agree on a presentation style
- Co-operate
- Listen to each other
When they are finished putting their presentation together, each group presents to the other members of the main group.
Questions for discussion
As a group explore the most important aspects of presenting information.
- How important is adequate planning?
- What are the most effective and least effective ways of getting your message across?